Tuesday, January 24, 2012

also percolating: A ball-jointed doll...

While I'm stitching in quilting rows, the creative ideas are firming up on how to make a Japanese style
ball-jointed doll.  I love the idea of a fully articulated doll made of stone clay, then somehow covered
in silk skin.  Percolating...

taking a few days to finish a quilt I started last year...

Sometimes a doll maker has to do other things, like making a quilt for the daughter of a favorite niece <3
But, I have three heads modeled and ready to put the silk skin on when I am through with the quilting.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

A new year, a new blog title.

I think a lot of people didn't understand the 'manipulations' in my older blog, so I decided to change it to
Dolls By Dallas--a happier blog title.  Hopefully this change will do me good.

Here's my latest work for those who have not seen it yet: